

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study

Les Aldudes

Town Dialects Maps Records
Les Aldudes 21
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
II-003a Audio Irulegi Irratia
II-006a Audio Irulegi Irratia
II-023b Audio Irulegi Irratia 90 years old. From Baigorri.
II-072a Audio Irulegi Irratia Fishing. 80 years old.
II-075b Audio Irulegi Irratia War story. 81 years old.
II-083a Audio Irulegi Irratia Shepherd, cheese maker. 58 years old. The owner of house Sarahaundi in Les Aldudes.
II-113b Audio Irulegi Irratia Fishing. 83 years old fisherman.
II-119a Audio Irulegi Irratia Bonfires of Saint Jhon. 71 years old. He was born in 1927. From the house Ezponda in Les Aldudes.
II-122a Audio Irulegi Irratia Singing. 71 years old. He was born in January of 1921. From the house Ezpondaini in Les Aldudes.
II-124b Audio Irulegi Irratia Fairs of Banca, Les Aldudes and Urepel. Gastón Erramouspé: Verses in the fairs. 71 years old. He was born in 1927.
II-125b Audio Irulegi Irratia Old songs. Bordel´s and Xalbador´s verses. 71 years old. He was born in January of 1921. From the house Ezpondaini in Les Aldudes.
II-126b Audio Irulegi Irratia Her life. To have and care for children. 95 years old. She was born in Les Aldudes in 1902. She lives in Urepel.
II-142a Audio Irulegi Irratia Verses: Gastón Erramouspé, Gehexan Ossafrain... Very old songs.
II-144b Audio Irulegi Irratia Cowbells. 81 years old. He was born in Elizondo.
II-148b Audio Irulegi Irratia America. War. 95 years old. From the house Koxkorria in Les Aldudes. He was born in July of 1904.
II-156b Audio Irulegi Irratia His work. 66 years old. Teacher in Les Aldudes.
II-170a Audio Irulegi Irratia His work. 66 years old. Teacher in Les Aldudes.
IM-004b Audio Irulegi Irratia
IM-005b Audio Irulegi Irratia
IM-033a Audio Irulegi Irratia
HPB-006 Text Parábola del Hijo Pródigo The prodigal son