

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Recording date:
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Joxepa Antoni
  • Researcher: Maider Ikaran Olaran
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Bad
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
lifestyle In the school all the children were from the farm houses around, there were no children from the town. They used to eat at school. When they got out of school they would help with the chores at home. At the age of nine she made his communion and went to work as a serving girl. She went away because she wanted to go and not because her parents wanted it. She was in one house for two years and then she went to another one. She went to San Sebastian and she stayed there. Later her sister got married and she went to Urnieta. She was with them and there she found a boyfriend. She never liked the fiestas. She never learnt to dance. They would go out for a stroll the night before and then go home. Then she got married and she went to Hernani and she has been there for fifty-five years. Before there were eleven of them and now she lives alone.
A02 00:05:35
cider house Her father used to make cider for the house but now they don’t do it. They have never liked the idea of going to cider-houses. About the cider-houses roundabout.
A03 00:08:30
nutrition: Snails. There is a custom of eating them at Xmas.
A04 00:09:30
school In the school they had a book and a notebook but they were taught the catechism and some skills, to sew and to embroidery.
A05 00:12:00
jobs: As a serving-girl she had to do everything: make the beds, wash up, mop the floor, wax the floor…She had people in charge of her who were Basque speakers and Spanish speakers. The situation of the Spanish-speaking mistress. The only free time was a Sunday afternoon.
Pista Hear file Length
N-042-A 16:49