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I-031 A06
IR-021 A03
IR-022b B07 smuggling - locality:
II-119b A01 smuggling - Sanfermines - fairs: horse fair Introduction: the horsefair took place during Sanfermines. (02:30”) Love of horses has been there since he was a kid, as he grew up among horses. On Sundays he used to go to church in a cart pulled by horses. His father was a laboror on the land but he also had some horses. He died when the speaker was only eighteen months old but at home everyone loved horses.At that time the horses were not put out on the mountainside, but kept at the house as they were needed for work there. He went to the horse-fair in Pamplona for the first time in 1950. Since then he has been many times. The dealers from Andalucia would come with all their family in caravans to sell old horses and to buy young ones.The fair began on the 7th of July and lasted three or four days. There would also be horses from there at the fair but they were smuggled ones, as it was not permitted to cross the frontier with horses. People from Hegoalde would collect them and deal with the Andalucians. Those people were very different, people would say that they looked like gypsies, but they had money to buy horses. Many horses from the Baztan area were also taken by them.About smuggling.(10:55”) The manner of doing the dealing was very different. They were people from a hotter climate and their way of life was very different. He never learnt to do any dealing. He would only go to watch. It was not easy to find a place to sleep but they would usually find a barn or something to sleep in. (12:50”) At that time the horses were only used for work.Those from the South would come with orders to buy fifteen or twenty horses, as there were few tractors in Spain then. In Pamplona at that time there would be a big number of horses. Nowadays the Fair is quite different.