

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study

Guipúzcoa (biscayan-west)

Town Dialects Maps Records
Guipúzcoa (biscayan-west) 7
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
SC-011f Audio Satrustegi Christmas songs. 91 years old. From Eibar. Juan San Martin´s mother.
SG-001a Audio Satrustegi Oxes. Drinking trough. Araotz (Oñati).
SG-001b Audio Satrustegi Litanies. Food. Drinking trough. From Narbaxa. Oxes. Sain John´s fire. Olentzero. The oven. Araotz (Oñati).
SG-002a Audio Satrustegi Baker songs. Harness sing. Farmyards. The asleep bull. San Juan´s song. Soaked. The gentiles. The way, gold. Cat aspect. Araotz (Gipuzkoa).
SG-002b Audio Satrustegi Country houses, news. XVIII century. Lamias. Money of the crosses. Treating warts. Chair of the Virgin. Evil people, Araotz. Gesaltza.
SG-007a Audio Satrustegi Tales. Soldier. Palace of the goblins. Antzarrilla zorrista. Axelko eta Otsoko (fox and wolf). Arantzazu. Urkiola. Eibar. 91 years old.
SG-007b Audio Satrustegi Genoveva of Brabante. The donkey, the goat and the cat... Mari Urrika (Anboto). In the crystal crate. Rodrigotxo (death at home). Otsoko. Eibar. 91 years old.