

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study

Esparza de Salazar

Town Dialects Maps Records
Esparza de Salazar 7
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
I-044a Audio Orreaga Ibarra Questionnaire: accent, vocabulary. Aged woman. The informant´s voice is clear but very low. In the tape we can read: ´Accent for I. Gaminde´.
I-095a Audio Orreaga Ibarra They are brothers. The are 74 and 72 years old.
I-095b Audio Orreaga Ibarra Mature man.
IC-001 Audio Inaki Camino
M2-001 Audio Nafarroako Euskaldunen Mintzoak 2 From home to the cabin to work, and men to the Riverside. The informant is 85 years old.
T-210 Audio Toponimia
NEZ-121 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Salazar. Proverbs..