

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1995-11
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant:
  • Researcher: Orreaga Ibarra
  • Main theme: Questionnaire: accent, vocabulary, declination.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
grammar: (The recording suffers short cuts and some words are lost) He makes “makilas”, walking sticks and other things. He uses many different types of wood, but mainly uses chestnut. He does not cut trees down. He just cuts branches. Wood is cut depending on the moon. Beech, hazel and alder are cut with a new moon, but chestnut is cut when the moon is waning. He leaves the wood to dry for a couple of years because he needs very dry wood for his work. He never charges the full worth of the work because otherwise he would not sell anything. He takes two or three days to make a walking stick. The “makila” is always held in your hand. A walking stick, however, can be hung from the arm or the neck. He goes to a lot of fairs to show and sell his work.
A02 00:05:38
grammar: article Questionnaire about lexicon and stress. Ear, eye, nose, mouth, tongue, waist, heart, blood, kidney, knee, arm, elbow, hand, finger, nail, blind, deaf, shirt, needle, thread, bird, nest, rat, moon, sun, wind, rain, hail, thunder, lightning, snow, river, earth, path, place, fountain, plant, fig, cherry, pear, apple, plum, walnut, bean, onion, garlic, leek, pepper, cabbage, strawberry, grape, cow, ox, donkey, sheep, cheese, pig, bacon, hen, cock, chicken, egg, dog, cat, village, house, wall, roof, kitchen, table, bed, sheet, fire, smoke, glass, bread, wine, water, meat, food, midday, dinner, widower, son, daughter, man, cousin (male), cousin (female), grandfather, grandmother, white, black, yellow, young, old, good, truth, the other one.
A03 00:06:41
grammar: When he was a boy, not a single word of Castilian was spoken in the village. Even religious acts were held in Basque. At school, however, everything was in Castilian. They taught doctrine in Castilian at school and in Basque in the church. When he grew up, things like “speak in Christian” started to be heard. Not knowing Castilian was considered worthy only of the stupid and uncivilised. For this reason and also as a result of the repression, a great many mothers started to speak to their children in Castilian. The speaker’s mother could not speak Castilian. Castilian is gaining ground in Basque-speaking villages. The Basque language is maintained well in Urdiain thanks to J.M. Satrustegi. Basque is losing ground in villages that the main road passes through.
A04 00:07:46
grammar: (Plurals) The old, rats, roofs, hens, daughters, birds, the blacks, cousins, the good, widowers, loaves of bread, dogs, donkeys, pigs, the young, sons, cabbages, the deaf, cats, apples, sheep, chickens, garlic, men.
A05 00:11:49
grammar: (He) was born in Goizueta, but lives in Leitza. Survey about lexicon and stress. Head, face, hair, forehead, ear, eye, nose, mouth, tongue, waist, heart, blood, kidney, knee, arm, elbow, hand, finger, nail, blind, deaf, shirt, needle, thread, bird, nest, rat, moon, sun, wind, rain, hail, thunder, lightning, snow, river, earth, path, place, fountain, plant, fig, cherry, pear, apple, plum, walnut, bean, onion, garlic, leek, pepper, cabbage, strawberry, grape, cow, ox, donkey, sheep, cheese, pig, bacon, hen, cock, chicken, egg, dog, cat, village, house, wall, roof, kitchen, table, bed, sheet, fire, smoke, glass, bread, wine, water, meat, food, midday, dinner, widower, son, daughter, man, cousin (male), cousin (female), grandfather, grandmother, white, black, yellow, young, old, good, truth, the other one, in front.
A06 00:16:24
grammar: article Questionnaire about the article. It is water, it is good, it is black, it is white, it is the son, it is blood, it is young, it is the food, it is the place, it is the walnut, it is the cousin, it is the chicken, it is the truth, it is the other one, it is in front, it is the daughter, he is a widower, it is the fountain, he is a “bertsolari”, he is a “txistulari”.
A07 00:17:15
grammar: (Plurals) Old, rats, roofs, hens, daughters, birds, black, cousins, good, widowers, loaves of bread, dogs, donkeys, pigs, young, sons, cabbages, the deaf, cats, apples, sheep, chickens, garlic, men.
A08 00:18:04
grammar: The young man has come in, the young man has eaten, I have given (it) to the young man, the young man’s is better, I have come with the young man, I have brought (it) for the young man, the young men have come in, the young men have eaten, I have given (it) to the young men, the young men’s is better, they have come with the young men, they have brought (it) for the young men, the man has come in, the man has eaten, I have given (it) to the man, the man’s is better, I have come with the man, I have brought (it) for the man, the men have come in, the men have eaten, I have given (it) to the men, the young men’s is better, they have come with the men, they have brought (it) for the men, he is in the village, he is going to the village, he is coming from the village, they have brought the village’s (thing), they have gone to the village, they are in the villages, they are going to the villages, they are coming from the villages, they have brought the villages’ (thing), they have gone to the villages, he is in the inn, he is going to the inn, he is coming from the inn, they have brought the inn’s (thing), they have gone to the inn, they are in the inns, they are going to the inns, they are coming from the inns, they have brought the inns’ (thing), they have gone to the inns.
Pista Hear file Length
I-044c-B 20:59