

hunting [14 resultados]

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D-068 A11 anecdote
M-011 A01 animals: There are two ways of hunting pigeon: using a net or with a shotgun. Explain how this is done using a net; this is a precision task, as the net has to be cast at the right moment. Those who are going to shoot must respect the hunting horn. There are increasingly fewer young enthusiasts and also fewer pigeons.
I-039 B06
I-043 A02
SM-006a A08 Fermin’s house was the Martín Lorenzo one. But it fell down. Before that happened his mother and his sister had died. His mother used to work washing clothes for others.His father was a good hard worker and he always worked with Perpetua’s father. In the end he lost his head.Fermin has just the one girl.About life after marriage.
II-064a A01 animals: Introduction.He began to go hunting at eighteen and he was shown by his father and his brother.(10:20") The pigeons rest on beech trees above all and when the wind is light.He has seen pidgeons eating acorns on the ground.The biggest catch he ever had was between 70-80. He sold them later. A shepherd went around collecting them. At that time they were sold at a good price.
II-064a A02 arms The guns then were not as good as they are now. There are gadgets to clean them.The cartridges were much cheaper when homemade than when bought in a shop. Anecdote: the night that they killed forty pidgeons between the four brothers.The old guns that they used.The guns that were loaded from the top.The gadget that was used to make the cartridges was of a different size; or depending on the gun they were bought at the same time. At that time a gun cost five hundred pesetas.During the war the guns were hidden because the Germans confiscated them.Where the family guns were hidden.The year after the war there were lots of pidgeons.Some people breed pidgeons at home. He has never done it.He stopped using the gun because of his sight. His best memory is that day when he killed the most pidgeons.
II-064a A03 anecdote - accident The accident in the Garazi area. A cousin dropped down dead.In his area there was also an accident. A man tripped up and the gun went off and injured him, although he did not die.(35:00") Nowadays you have to go up even higher to find any pidgeons.(38:44") Thanks.(39:30") Song.(43:15")Goodbye.
N-039 B01 News and publicity.(07:00”) The Hunting Club from Doneztebe/Santesteban decided at a meeting that they would go ahead. The agreement was as follows: all those who live in Doneztebe/Santesteban have the right to the area as well as all those from the town but who live outside and those from outside who own property in the town. If it is agreed in a future meeting the children of the people from Doneztebe/Santesteban will also get a right to use the area.The Hunting Club from Doneztebe/Santesteban have a hundred and six members. In the town there are twenty six legal places and another six waiting to be ratified. The aims of the club: To plant trees in the mountain, to renovate a hut belonging to the Town hall, to get permission to build another.If the hunting were respected there would be hunting for a long time yet, but nothing is respected and anything that moves is shot at.
II-103b A01 Introduction: There used to be less hunters and the ways of hunting were different. They would even put the birds in the trees.(02:10") They had the pidgeons inside the holder and in the morning they would feed them and then put them on the trees so as to attract other pidgeons.He used to hunt in the “pausura” (migratory ) way. That meant more work because it is necessary to feed the pidgeons, as they will not do it on the own.
II-103b A03 arms They use to hunt “Hurrankan" (close up). They would watch the pidgeons perching and then they would make a move. They would have to wait for the pidgeons to perch on the trees. They would go to the oak tree and the beech trees. Because there they could find something to eat. They would also go to the ground to get the acorns which had fallen. If they were well hidden the pidgeons did not realize that the hunters were near.The most he hunted was eighty pidgeons.They were sold. There was a man who would come by to take them. At that time they were sold at a good price.They were gadgets to clean the guns. If it rained it was necessary to clean them each day.They bought the ammunition and made the cartridges at home.(20:12") The day they killed forty pidgeons between the four brothers.(23:11”) Before the guns were loaded from the top but he never knew that type of gun.The elements to make the cartridges would depend on the type of gun.
II-103b A05 accident The accident that happened in Garazi. A man fell and killed himself.
II-103b A08 By the time he started hunting he was forty years old. He began by hunting rabbits with a friend. It was only later that he started with pidgeons. They would go up to the cabin after work, at night. They would come down the following morning.The year that he got the most pidgeons was when he got eighty two. Most years he would kill about thirty or forty. Nowadays there are too many hunters. There was a time when it was necessary to walk up carrying the rifle. Now there are roads everywhere.Allthough up to lately he had always hunted “in the air” his sight and his reflexes are not what they used to be and he has begun to hunt on the ground. Although there are twenty-five posts, twenty can be used. In the hunting season he has a hut up in the summit and he usually spends a few days there. His son also goes to spend fifteen days there.(4:15”) Goodbye.
IC-014a A07 It is the hunting season at present. They have caught two wild boars. He uses the word “anea” to define “brother” but he also uses “anaia”. From the wild boar they make salami and things, just like from the pig.