

civil war [23 resultados]

Document Piece Otros temas del fragmento Sumario
D-003 A17 carnival: - Sanfermines
D-016 A01 Basque language
D-016 A02 anecdote
D-016 A03 civil war - memories
D-016 A05
D-016 A06 anecdote
D-016 A07 song
D-028 A01
D-035 A04 mill
D-035 A05 smuggling - anecdote - mill - hunger
D-035 A08 anecdote - hunger
D-043 B01 anecdote
IR-007 B02 war:
M-005 A06
I-066a A7
II-110b A01 Second World War Introduction.(02:00”) He was born near to Bilbao in 1931 but at the age of five he had to leave that place. First, the went to Bilbao and leaving his mother there, they went on to Santander. From there they took a coal ship and arrived to Bordel. They went from there to Euskal Herria, to Donibane Garazi. They three brothers went together. His mother went from Bilbao to Santander and from there to Normandy.The Moroccans were the first to enter Bilbao. Later the Germans were also there, precisely those ones who had bombed Gernika and that area.When they entered his house in Franco’s time, perhaps because there was a Basque flag (the ikurriña) over the entrance, they threw everything into the street. The same thing happened in the house of his grandparents. They arrived in Donibane Garazi on the day of San Juan. Six children arrived to the Ciudadela (The Citadel). There were some five hundred children already there. To look after them there were doctors and nurses and teachers and so on. The youngest were like him, about five years old and the oldest about seventeen. When Franco came into the city, Aguirre, who was the president of Euskadi, organized a mass evacuation of children and adults from Euskal Herria. He and his brother were two and a half years in the Ciudadela. Those who had spent time there, now met once a year for a meal together.(14:30”) During the period of the war some 34,000 people left Euskal Herria for Europe and even some children were sent to Russia.(15:45”) The Ciudadela was not a comfortable place, there was neither light nor water. In the time of the Germans it was a prison. The small children could study in Basque and in Spanish. He was later in Getaria and there he studied in the first Basque language school. In the Ciudadela there was no cruel treatment and he had a big brother there too.The Gernika bombing took place on the 26th of April, 1937 and they arrived to Donibane in June of 1937 so that he was still in the town. Those scenes remain in the memory of a child and even now, when he hears a siren, he remembers that day.
IC-016a A02 Basque language
IC-001 A08 During the Civil War there was a lot of misery. Her husband would go out at night to bring back some wheat. Her husband and her father-in-law got out of having to go to the war.
IC-006a A10 The Civil War. He would not wish it on his worst enemy to have to go to war. The battle of the bridge at Jarama.
IC-017a A03 His uncle worked in the Smeltering Works in Vizcaya. The war caught him by surprise when on holiday here and he was shot. He was born in 1939. The war brought family conflicts with it.
IC-017a A06 (Another man joins in the conversation). He was in Tolosa during the war and in Mt. Kalamua, en was difficult to understand the people from Vizcaya, but he found it quite easy to understand the people from Durango. At that time, he did not know Spanish, now he more or less knows it, but not as well as Basque. The best Basque is from Etxarri and that spoken from Zumarraga to the area of San Sebastián. The Basque from Oñati is confusing and not very nice. The people from Bilbao are boasters but they have a good heart; the people from Guipuzcoa are tricksters, however.
IC-010b A02 (The sounds of hammer blows can be heard in the background). During the Civil War he was not called up because he was the eldest. He has never done any smuggling. In the ErroValley there is no future because there is little industry or crafts there. The young people go to Zubiri and to Pamplona to work.
N-058 A02 During the war the village became deserted. They had to work a lot but they had food to eat.