

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study

Etxarri (Larraun)

Town Dialects Maps Records
Etxarri (Larraun) 6
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
I-052 Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free conversation: In Germany, In France, shepherd in America... Aged man.
I-054a Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free conversation: Work in France and America. Life in America. Aged man. In the tape we can read "Etxarri Arakil (Goreti´s father)".
SS-016b Audio Satrustegi For the first time the stone in the back. Grass of Aralar for the sterile cows. Reunion of priests of many villages (Etxaleku, Etxarri-Larraun, Elizondo, Aralar).
T-192 Audio Toponimia
RLT18-010 Text Textos religiosos, s. XVIII Jesusen bihotzaren kongregazioko arauak (1762)
NEZ-029 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Larraun. Proverbs..