

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study

Abaurrepea/Abaurrea Baja

Town Dialects Maps Records
Abaurrepea/Abaurrea Baja 9
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
IR-023d Audio Irati Irratia
SM-004 Audio Satrustegi The village. Basque writer. The profession. In Irurita. The verse singer husband. Girl school. The grandfather. Several jobs. The accident. Cowherd job. The witch. The daughter´s disease. She was born the 3rd of August of 1905 in Abaurrea Baja.
SM-008a Audio Satrustegi Amazing events at home. Family memories. The mother´s fast. Basque first names. Lazaro: at war. In the jail. After the death.
SM-008b Audio Satrustegi Clairvoyance. Copper mine. Telepathy. Thieves. Deads.
SM-010a Audio Satrustegi Life, the job. News of Abaurrea Baja. Witch stories. Antonio Castellot, 85 years old, from the house Balbertza. Rosa Erro, 69 years old, from the house Zabalea. José Arraiz Zubiri, from the house Martinmari, 76 years old. Estefanía Laurenz, 77 years old from Abaurrea Baja.
SM-010b Audio Satrustegi Witch things, misfortunes. Dead animals. Funeral rites.
SM-012a Audio Satrustegi News of Abaurrea Baja. Witches.
SM-012b Audio Satrustegi Customs of Abaurrea Baja. The fire. Farak. The wash. The flax. 77 years old.
NEZ-120 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Aezkoa. Proverbs..