

This is the list of collections of MediaTek. They are classified by type: audio, video and text.

Orreaga Ibarra

Recording collection of the dialects of Orreaga Ibarra. These recordings with "N-" in the beginning of the word belong to school works made by students and collaborators.

Document Towns Dialects Maps Main theme Title Informant
N-001 Free conversation: family, ancient life, holiday, work, Basque language´s decadence, Christmas time, Easter, pets. Balen Encaje
N-002 Francisca Cía
N-003 Free conversation: school memories, military service, work, carnivals...
N-004 Ana Sarobe
N-005 Free conversation: mountain, picking up mushrooms, ´ young people hardly go to the forest´, Mezeingo borda. Joxemari
N-006 Free conversation: how the local festivities are like, festivities in the Barranca.
N-007 Free conversation: how the conscripts´s reunions were like, rave-ups, customs. Juan Huarte
N-009 interview: Pastures of Aralar, ancient events, woman´s quarrel. Matrimonio de edad avanzada.
N-010 Free conversation: how working day was like (breakfast, field work, food,...), mill, bread elaboration, talo elaboration, pig lilling, black pudding deal... Mikaela Berastegi Flores
N-012 Free conversation: shepherd work, cheese manufacture, baker mother, food and hunger, retirement. Bernardo Mendinueta Mendinueta
N-013 Free conversation: in Erratzu and Amaiur, husband, family, tenant farmer´s life, how to bring up a 6 monts old baby, soon and daughters. Josefa Irigoien Bikondo (1903)
N-014 Free conversation: when he was a child in the village nobody spoke Spanish, at school in Spanish, mothers in Spanish with her children, politics... Juan Gortari Ugarte.
N-015 Free conversation: shepherd life in Aralar... Jesus Ganboa Alberro
N-016 Free conversation: biographical notes, family, festivities in sorrounding villages, carnivals. Teresa Goldaraz
N-017 Jose Ignazio Odriozola
N-018a Free conversation: contraband. Fermin Otxandorena
N-018b Free conversation: life in the farm house, ancient memories, misfortunes, family... Javiera Arrijuria
N-018c Free conversation: field and mountain works (plough, kind, forest...). Argument between Martina and Jose: men and women. Martina, Joxe
N-018d Free conversation: dove hunting with nets, hunting description, hunters: bad times for hunting; hunting season.
N-019 Free conversation: childhood memories, life, work, events... Mª Josefa Goñi, Fernando (1933)
N-020 Free conversation: ancient way of life of Baztan, agriculture, work in the forest, shepherd in America, contraband.
N-021 Free conversation: childhood memories and youth. Beatriz Iribarren Irigoien
N-022 Free conversation: youth memories, life, customs, festivities... Gloria Iturralde
N-024 Free conversation: cider elaboration (types of apple , instruments, press...).
N-025 Free conversation: childhood memories, school, ´Asto zarra mukizu´ song and others...
N-026 Free conversation: family, need, work; contraband. Juan Aranburu Mikeo
N-028 Free conversation: carnivals, holiday.
N-029 Free conversation: stories about his father, family, Elizondo, Spanish speaker / Baztan Basque speaker, work of the Basque school, situation before the war, novelist, lexicographer, Basque language´s future, bertsozale... Mariano Izeta Elizalde
N-030 Free conversation: borda / farm house, farm works, cheese elaboration, cottage cheese, bakers of Baztan, family... Roman Mihura Ezkurra
N-031 Free conversation: life during youth, work and holidays, bets...
N-032 Free conversation: games (hiding place, ball, knucklebones, game sing of tossing up coins...).
N-033 Free conversation: family stories, life, studies, dialects of Etxaleku and Amaiur. Leire Zabaltza
N-034 Free conversation: sports centre of Arbizu.
N-035 Free conversation: Basque language´s problem, school, punishments against Basque language, language´s loss in Etxarri, unified Basque. Manuel Mundiñano
N-036 Free conversation: mill work, proportions of wheat / flour, the disappearance of the mill... Pablo Jauregi Flores (64 urte)
N-037 Free conversation: family, civil war, baker job. Anbroxio
N-038 Free conversation: people of Etxarri´s personality , events, humour. Joseba Beramendi
N-040 Free conversation and interview.
N-041a Ander (1960)
N-041b Free conversation: going to Pamplona, family, sunny days, animals´rut, field works, San Fermin festivities, in Tolosa, cooker in Pentzia, young time, nuns... Feli Artieda (1935)
N-042 Joxepa Antoni
N-043 Free conversation: school, only one Spanish speaker teacher, houseworks, childhood memories, Basque language´s memories, foreign people´s influence... Kontxi
N-044 Free conversation: pig killing, making black puddings, txistorra and choosing pieces... Pilar
N-046 Free conversation: young time life, soldier in Africa, war...
N-047 Free conversation: farm house works, school in Pamplona, dances at weekend and festivities, depopulation of Labaien, the future of Leitza, a normal work day.
N-048 Free conversation: young time life, houseworks, travel to Argtentina.
N-050 Free conversation: Pelota as sport and hobby. Opinion about the situation of the Basque language. Unified Basque / dialects.
N-051 Interview.
N-052 Free conversation: field work, cattle, coal dealer job, pig killing, cheese elaboration, corn cake, liquor elaboration... Isabel Inda
N-053 Free conversation: youth in Goizueta and Pamplona, cooker job, good and bad things of the factory, customers... Arantxa (1949)
N-057 Free conversation: looking for job, studies official recognition, another stories. Jone Arraras, Nere Roda
N-058 Free conversation: family, escuela, how the work day was like, parents, wedding, soon and daughters and grandchildren, war, ancient festivities, factory, Basque language of Leitza, ´Goenkale´ of ETB... Dominika Zabaleta Aierdi
N-059 Free conversation: life in the farm house, works and customs, in the hotel of Lekunberri, servant in Pamplona.
N-060 Luziano Larrea (1941)
N-061 Free conversation: making talo, how they got cornflour, ancient festivities, night bell, old stories, speech form (´berori´ and ´zu´), daily mass, ´Acción Católica´, more old events... Telesfora Azpirotz
N-062 Free conversation: location of Lizarraga, born in Pamplona, school, festivities of the village. Jose Maria Navarro Senar
N-063 Free conversation: biographical notes, life in the shop, txistorra championship, Txiskola. Iñaki Galarza
N-064 Miguel Aldaia Goldaraz
N-065 Free conversation: youth memories, events, life, differences between Oderitz and Etxaleku. Mª Sol Galarza.
N-066 Conversation.
N-067 Nizeta Paris
N-068 Free conversation: life in the mountain, forest ranger, war in Morocco, loss of the Basque language. Teófilo Eseberri
N-069 Free conversation: shepherd job, cheese elaboration, family, cows and mares, weather, pelota, school.
N-070 Free conversation: youth time works, life, family.
N-071 Free conversation: school, work, young people before and nowadays, family...
N-072 Free conversation: old memories, events. Jose Mari Goñi, Julia Agirre
N-074 Free conversation: school memories. Regina Argiñena
N-076 Free conversation: name of the months, Christmas time customs, story about ´The small cauldron of Lakuntza´, customs in Sanmigueles, relationships with sorrounding villages... Gabriel Andueza Artieda
N-077 Isabel Elizalde Bidegain